
    How To Restore Your iPhone To Factory Data Reset Without Using iTunes On Computer

    iPhone is the best mobile available in the market as it fulfill the needs of all people. But some time it happens that your iPhone is not working properly due to various reasons such as you might have installed to many applications or there are many unused processes running in background. Or you just want to use you phone as it is new one or there might be some other reason like you are selling it to some other person.

    In these cases the best option is to do a factory data reset which will erase all settings and data including your contacts and messages on your mobile and make it as new one like you have just unboxed it.

    Note: Please make sure you have backup of all the information in your mobile on either on your computer or on icloud servers.

    Just follow these steps to restore your iPhone to factory settings

    Step 1: Tap on Settings
    Step 2: Select General
    Step 3: Scroll down to bottom and tap Reset
    Step 4: Now click on Erase All content And Settings
    Step 5: After that click on Erase iPhone

    And after some further processes your iPhone will be restored to factory settings

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